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Steel Challenge

 Matches scheduled on the 2nd Saturday of every month, January thru December.


Registration and Match scoring will be available on

What is the Steel Challenge?

The Steel Challenge is a speed shooting competition governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA) that consists of eight standardized stages with steel targets in three sizes; small circular, large circular and square targets. Competitors are scored solely by the time it takes them to complete each stage, and the match winner is the competitor with the lowest overall time.


There are 8 stages with 5 steel targets on each. See stage set-up at the bottom of this page.   Shooters get five runs on each stage. Each competitor shoots each stage five times, with their slowest run dropped, excluding the stage Outer Limits where only four runs are shot and the top three counted. The counting times are totaled for their stage score, and the eight stage scores are added together to establish the competitor's match score.


Check out a pretty cool video demonstrating the Steel Challenge.








To participate, it is preferred that you register by creating a FREE account at


Welcome to the Beaver Valley Rifle & Pistol Club (BVRPC)

Level I Steel Challenge monthly match.

505 Constitution Blvd
Beaver Falls, PA 15010


Matches scheduled on the 2nd Saturday of every month, January thru December.

2024 Fees: $20 for the first gun; $ 10 each additional gun; ALL junior guns $10 each.

Registration opens at 8:00 AM and closes at 8:30 AM

Mandatory shooters meeting at 8:45 AM; hammer down 9 AM.

Match Time is 9 AM - 3 PM 


We will have 8 classifier stages. You can register up to two different guns/divisions per match.


Walk-ons are welcome if open slots are available however Practiscore pre-registration and squad selection is appreciated and preferred.

Please bring a minimum of 250 rounds and 5 magazines for each gun/division per match.

We will be shooting in bays 1, 3, 4 & 5, however registration, procedural instructions and the mandatory shooters meeting will take place in the clubhouse.


USPSA/Steel Challenge events strictly follow a COLD RANGE rule. Unless on the firing line under the direct supervision of a match official, all firearms must be kept UNLOADED and properly secured in a holster, bag or long gun cart. Rimfire rifles and PCC must also have the bolt closed on a chamber flag.

Please leave your concealed carry gun in your vehicle. If you are a law enforcement officer, duly authorized to carry a loaded firearm, we ask that you proceed immediately to the registration table at the club house, and ask for a match official for the express purpose of safely unloading the firearm to avoid disqualification.

Safe areas are provided to allow handling of an unloaded gun out of its holster, bag or cart. There is NO handling of ammunition inside designated safe areas.

If an individual is thought to be in violation of the COLD RANGE rule, a match official will escort the individual to a safe area and direct the individual to unload and show clear. If the firearm is found to be loaded, the individual will be disqualified from the match and asked to leave the range.

If you are not confident in your understanding and compliance with the COLD RANGE rule, leave all guns in your vehicle, report to the registration table so we can provide assistance.


Please arrive no later than registration opening time for the match and let us know at the registration table that you are a new shooter. This will allow us to have a new shooters meeting without delaying the start of the match.

Consider bringing more than 250 rounds for each gun/division per match. It typically takes 200 rounds per gun with no misses to complete 8 stages. Most stages consist of 5 strings of fire on 5 targets. If shooting with a low capacity magazine (example 10 rounds), it is important to have at least 5 magazines per gun to help avoid match delays caused by having to reload magazines while in the shooter’s box.

Eye and hearing protection is required for all shooters and spectators at all times.
Please pay particular attention to the “cold range” information in the preceding section.
Familiarize yourself with the Steel Challenge rules found using the link provided below.
If not a USPSA member, consider joining by following link provided below.










Shooters who are not familiar with the Steel Challenge shooting discipline may also greatly benefit from attending a match for the sole purpose of observation.


It is our goal to provide you with a shooting experience that is challenging, exciting, and fun, but above all, SAFE!

Hope to see you at the range!


For more information about our matches or other Steel Challenge questions,

email us at or call Mark Bombara at 724-312-1796


BVRPC Steel Challenge Stage Set-up

click top image for stationary view










USPSA/SCSA level I match, with the following divisions: Limited, Open, Revolver, Single Stack, Production, Carry Optic, PCCO, PCCI, and Rimfire



The Pendulem Stage
Outer Limits Stage
Speed Option
Showdown Stage
Smoke and Hope Stage
Five To Go Stage
Roundabout Stage

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